Macquarie Ancient History Association: Executive Meeting 11th January 2022
Present: Jessika Odenthal (she/her), Terase Harrison (she/her), Jacquelyn Smith (she/they), Liv Siefert (she/her), Niamh Appleby (they/them) (via zoom)
Meeting opened by [Jess] at [6:51], seconded by [Terase]
I. Introduction
a. Acknowledgment of country by Jess
II. Goals for 2022
a. Jess
i. More in person events
ii. Sell merch
iii. More consistent
b. Terase
i. More academic events
ii. Guide dog event
iii. Regular updates with members through the newsletter
c. Jac
i. Get to know new members
ii. More engagement
iii. Encourage conversation in meetings
d. Liv
i. Collaborate with other societies
ii. Toga parties with Greek society
iii. Get in contact with alumni
1. Greater society talk with alumni for ‘where are they now’
2. Networking
3. Scholarship/ grants, need to follow up
e. Niamh
i. Website
ii. More involvement but not overreaching
iii. More behind the scenes for social media
III. O-week and Membership
a. Not sure what happens at the moment/not been contacted
b. Applied for all 5 days
c. 2 people in the stall to offer the other breaks
d. Create a membership form (see website)
e. Decorations
i. New fabric for decorations
ii. Paint new logo and do handprints as part of the executive
iii. Decorative vines on pillars
iv. Niamh to streamline graphics for the table to go with the theme
f. Membership form to be excel sheet
g. Upgrade link tree
i. Need official MAHA header and footer with colours
ii. Can add own graphics if upgraded
1. Linked websites
2. Contacts
iii. Stats available
iv. Upgrade approved for link tree
IV. Finances
a. Creating a loan document if people borrowing from the theatre
i. No record of previous loans and damages
ii. Document created by Jess and Terase for future exec for how the theatre was cleaned
b. Bank Account
i. Update on already spent
1. Opening $2631
2. Spent $336
3. Current $2296
4. 6 big purchases, nothing exceeds $200
ii. Season Pass
1. Terase promotes ‘Caesar’ passes
2. Able to keep track of finances and keep track of memberships
3. Able to raise money more efficiently
4. Little laminated card to show pass
a. Like the bikini bottom drivers license
b. Possible levels, like paying extra and getting more rewards
i. Tabled for next year executives
c. Grants
i. Look into grants
ii. MAHA used to have travelling scholarships
iii. Will encourage people to see how applicable their degree is
iv. SRC grants for executive use
v. Museum of Contemporary Art works with historical based arts, could reach out
vi. Terase pushing Guide Dog sponsorship
vii. Need to be active in order to get grants
d. Access to NAB account
i. Jess and Liv to go into NAB to change over signatory to Liv from Mel
V. Website
a. Automated response after signing up from membership
b. Meet the exec
i. Name, studying, what we’re doing, favourite period in history
c. Tele’s Angels information to be added under the first-year section
d. Public minutes
e. Public constitution
f. Calendar available to see events with links about the event
i. Promotions can be screenshots on social media
g. Social media linked
h. Cost of maintaining
i. $25 monthly with access to running a shop, membership, membership only pages
1. Approved by Liv, seconded by Jess
ii. Won't have to use a separate website for events
iii. $27 yearly to own a domain name
1. Having a look at it, will decide later
i. Niamh is to be given access to the email before the passwords change over
j. Clarify who we are collaborating with so that we are promoted by them as well
k. Pronouns to be added to meet the exec page
VI. Events
a. DTL
i. Success, keep
b. Cork and canvas
i. Combine with something else but tabled for now
c. Open mic night
i. Not occurring
ii. Not a performing society
d. Movie night
i. Collab with ASMU
ii. Keep
e. Kahoot/Jackbox
i. In person
ii. Keep
f. Minecraft
i. Not occurring
g. Charity events
i. Keep
i. Guide dogs
iii. Black-owned business
iv. MAHAgrah
1. Taking people to Mardi Gras
v. Sunnyvale
vi. Kids hospital in Manly
vii. Relay for Life
1. Team already set
viii. MSD
1. Resources to be passed along from Terase’s Mum
2. Mostly Indigenous
3. In ties with Ryde council
h. Tea w/ lectures
i. Combined with ASMU
ii. Lunch and tour with alumni [conditional]
i. Night at the Museum
i. Keep, approved
j. Jousting
i. Period dress
k. Combined events with other societies
i. Approved
l. Bake sale
i. Careful of covid cases
ii. Conditional
m. Picnic
i. Approved
n. Ubar o-week party meet and greet
i. Approved
o. Historical fashion show
i. At the same time as the joust
ii. More interaction
iii. Prizes
iv. Superlatives
p. Balls
i. Good idea but no money
ii. Possibly for next year
iii. Most likely a cocktail party
iv. Collaborate with new exec and other societies
v. Need more time to get it off the ground
q. Meet and Greet
i. During o-week
r. Guess the artefact
Recess at 7:51
Resumed at 8:03
VII. Semester 1 Schedule
a. One event a week for the first four weeks
b. Week 1: in person Kahoot/Jackbox
i. Jac to do a risk assessment
ii. 20th Jan needs to book by
c. Week 2: picnic
d. Week 3: movie night
e. Week 4: DTL
f. Week 5: no events
g. Week 6: lo-fi study night
h. Week 7: social media tips to help with exams
i. Week 8: jousting/ historical fashion show
VIII. Theatre and Revue
a. Confirmation that 2021 revue is cancelled
b. Set a date for Mel to tell people by
c. Jess doesn’t know anything about theatre but will be there for emotional support
d. Mel stated that she would only be able to work with us if Terase is Director
e. Story to gauge interest for roles
f. Clean out
i. Took 4 hours outside the theatre, not including the washing day
ii. Should write down after each show what was used and deep clean every 5 years
iii. One number in the excel sheet is different but it's noted in the notes
Recess at 8:22 resumed at 8:54
IX. General Updates
a. Need to get a service NSW covid QR code sign in before events occur
b. ASMU/Tele’s Angels will contact about swapping a tea with lectures
c. Price needs to be set for merchandise
i. $25 for shirts
ii. Will be sorted through the website
d. System for reordering merch
e. A sticker with the logo for O-week and orders
f. Kill the discord, start a new one
g. Killing the Facebook, starting a new one
h. Create a new password
i. Access to socials would be president, VP, events
i. Terase to take over president role, Jac to take over treasure role when Jess/Liv leave temporary for excavation in June
X. Legal Matter
a. Call from Yazmine, wasn’t able to answer
b. Pause to read the statement
c. Scheduled call with Yazmine and a legal person
d. Care forms confidential
e. Contact the other members of MAHA that have been told so that they can fill out care forms
f. Jac to no longer be included due to their relationship with those involved
g. Liv’s mum can help with crisis management if needed
h. Unanimously voted for the offending member to be removed from the society if they were to re-join this year
XI. Final Thoughts
a. MAHA is a commitment
i. Need to put in the time but if having problems let Jess know
b. It’s a fresh start woo, go into this with a good mindset
c. Vote in second events coordinator, and first year auxiliary later this year
d. Next meeting to be 12th February 6:00 pm