MAHA General Meeting 23/03/2022

In person: Liv Siefert, Niamh Appleby, Jessika Odenthal, Jacquelyn Smith, Katy Jean, Mugdha Godbole, Magali, Jordan Fairweather

On Zoom: Terase Harrison, Hunter Vary, Alexander Macritchie

Started at 4:06 pm

  • Acknowledgement of Country

    • Jess acknowledged the traditional custodians of the MQ land

  • Welcome

    • Exec introductions

      • President - Jess

        • Run the society, organise meetings

      • Vice President - Terase

        • Apologised for being online

        • Helps to run the society

      • Secretary - Jacquelyn

        • In charge of emails

        • Monitors membership

        • Takes minutes

      • Treasurer - Liv

        • In charge of money

        • Invoices

      • Social media coordinater - Niamh

        • Runs the socials

        • Operates the websites

        • Creates the events posts

  • Event updates

    • 31st March study night 7:30 pm

    • Week 8 jousting event

    • No events during the mid sem break

  • Financial update

    • $2631 opening balance, $2055 current balance

    • Made a small profit at DTL

    • All of the tab was used

  • Membership update

    • High membership count

      • Slowly going up

    • 229 free membership

    • 54 Caesar’s pass

  • Voting explanation

    • Need to be nominated

    • Have to be seconded to run the for role

    • Once nominated, you answer questions and make a speech for yourself

  • First-year auxiliary

    • A building role

    • Like an internship

    • Work with each of the exec

    • Work with the President and Vice President to get an all-round point of view

    • Want a first-year perspective to help connect with the first-year students

    • Have to be a first-year to run

    • Nominations

      • Christian nominated Mugdha, Niamh seconded

        • Studying full time, works 8 hours a week

      • Olivia nominated by Jess, Jacquelyn seconded

        • Full-time uni, works 5 hours a week

    • Voting

      • Mugdha (unanimous)

      • Olivia

        • Mugdha new first year auxiliary

  • Events Coordinator

    • Work with Niamh

    • Work to maintain the social media and website

    • Answer any messages on the social

    • Coordinates the discord server

      • Nominations

        • Terase nominated Hunter, seconded by Liv

          • Said no

        • Nimah nominated Christian, seconded by Jordan

          • Said no

        • Jordan nominated himself, seconded by Christian

          • 5 hours a week work, full-time uni

      • Voting

      • Unanimous

        • Jordan new events coordinator

  • Director

    • Runs the Revue

    • Niamh nominated by Jess, seconded by Liv

      • Said no

    • Terase nominated by Jess, seconded by Jac

      • Said no

    • Alex nominated by Jess, seconded by Liv

      • 25 hours working, full-time uni

    • Christian nominated by himself, seconded by Jordan

      • Full-time student, working 11 hours

    • Voting

      • Alex 6

      • Christian 5

      • 1 no vote

  • Producer

    • Works with the director

    • Coordinates the show

    • Works with the cast and crew more closely

    • Nominations

      • Christian nominated by Jess, seconded by Liv

        • Full-time student, 11 hours of work

      • Terase nominated by Jess, seconded by Alex

        • Full-time uni, already on exec, 5 hours a week work

      • Niamh nominated by Jess, immediately said no

        • Requested to not be nominated for any future roles

    • Voting

      • Christian 7

      • Terase 4

      • 1 no vote

  • Executive producer

    • For current exec members only

    • Liaison between the revue and MAHA exec

    • Looks after cast and crew

    • Show up to rehearsals

    • Nominations

      • Terase nominated by Jess, seconded by Liv

    • Terase now executive producer

  • Congratulations

    • Congratulations to all new members:

      • Mugdha

      • Jordan

      • Christian

      • Alexander

Closed at 4:44 pm by Jess


Minutes of Exec Meetings 16/03


Minutes of Exec Meeting 20/04