Macquarie Ancient History Association: Executive Meeting 16th March 2022

Present via zoom: Jessika Odenthal (she/her), Terase Harrison (she/her), Jacquelyn Smith (she/they), Niamh Appleby (they/them)

Absent: Liv Siefert (she/her)

Meeting opened by [Jess] at [6:01], seconded by [Terase]

  • Acknowledgement of Country

    • Acknowledged by Jess

  • Introduction

    • If exec miss three meetings in a row without valid reasoning, will be suspended from executive position

    • Apologies for Liv’s absence at DTL and at meeting

    • Apologies for Jess’ absence at DTL

    • Clarification of access to accounts

  • DTL

    • Do not allow entry to those without a ticket

      • Including people who are a close contact

    • Check for pre-approval if more food is ordered during the event

    • Itinerary

      • Terase will be hosting

      • Exec will arrive 10 mins early, Terase will arrive 30 mins early

      • Will be given a clicker by Christian

        • Jac will bring a laptop and charger

      • Will start the event officially at 6:30-6:45

      • No hard time limit on the presentations

      • Terase to do a welcome

        • Remind people jugs only

        • Give apology that Jess is absent

      • Food comes out at 7

      • Niamh will go first, get people started

      • Can do a couple of presentations and then a Kahoot

      • Voting

        • Exec’s choice

        • People’s choice

          • Raise of hands for voting

        • VP choice

        • All get a trophy

          • VP choice gets a shirt

          • All get a sticker

          • Execs are only in the running for people's choice

      • Thank you to execs

  • Events

    • Need to inform at least 24 hours prior if not attending an event

    • If MAHA does a collaborative event with other societies (e.g. Tele’s Angels and ASMU), it is still a MAHA event and exec need to attend

    • Meet the exec post

      • A head shot and a fun fact

    • Jousting

      • No approval yet

      • Toy horses

      • A signup sheet

        • Individual or team

      • Make your own cardboard shield

      • Buy

        • 3 horses

        • 6 pool noodles

      • Wet weather plan

        • Cancel

      • Hold it at the amphitheatre

      • Start at 4 pm

      • Friday the 29th of April

      • Jess to contact the Star Wars society for advice after their lightsaber battle event

    • Newsletter for April

      • Jac to write, about events, safe break, good luck in exams

  • General Meeting

    • Have been contacted about first year and socials but none for the Revue team

    • Online and in-person

    • Liv to oversee zoom

    • Jac to take detailed notes


    • Start with acknowledgement of country

    • Update on events and important info

    • Finances

    • Membership

    • How voting works

    • Ask questions for each nominee

    • Create a google form for votes

    • First-year auxiliary

    • Events co-ordinator

    • Director

    • Producer

    • Executive Producer

    • Congratulations

      • Drinks at ubar

      • Provide pizza, not drinks

  • Toga Party

    • Conduct another meeting so more execs can attend

    • Will have ASMU attend as well

    • At least 3 execs at the meeting

    • Have concerns about the cost of the event

  • Merch

    • Sticker launch

      • Do Cerberus or Medusa?

      • The second half of the sem

      • Guide dog sticker proceeds to go to guide dogs

      • 133 original stickers

        • Continue to buy the 200 packs

      • How to plug merch

        • Plug at events

        • End of exam sale

          • 10% off

        • Wearing the shirts to events

        • Pop up stall for big events

          • Stock of shirts

            • 9 small

            • 6 medium

            • 10 large

            • 8 x-large

            • 10 xx-large

  • Finances

    • Issues with getting the bank signatory

      • Still waiting for info from Alaa

      • New forms will be sent out

      • Liv is still not a bank signatory due to this issue

    • Grants

      • Closes 27th of March

      • Can apply for up to $1000

      • For

        • Guide dogs

        • Toga Party

    • Issues with payments with the website

      • Has since been solved

    • Opening balance $2631, current balance $1864

  • Guide Dogs

    • September 15th

    • Need to speak to event and marketing people

    • Jess, Terase, Jac to be organising it

    • Organise a training show

    • Need to organise a separate meeting to go through the details

  • Podcast

    • Terase in charge of podcast

      • Stakeholders and shareholders

    • Archaeological podcast by MQ students

    • Get experience in presenting ideas

    • Need

      • Post announcing the launch

      • Repost when episodes are out

    • Proceeds

      • Out of host’s pocket

      • Using the buy me a coffee system

      • All proceeds go back to the podcast

    • Mutually plug each other

    • Voice actor

      • Voice over for the website for accessibility

      • $100 to be paid to actor

  • Updates

    • O-week went really well

    • Thank you Terase for attending almost every day

    • Thank you to the snow cone operators

    • Made $700

    • Big turnout for the game night

    • Moderate turn out for the picnic

    • Movie night cancelled

    • Advertising through the lecture went well

    • Discord and Instagram are popular

    • Good job Niamh on the women's day post

  • Final Comments

    • Jess is away from April 1st to 4th

    • Next meeting on 20th April 6 pm

    • Introduction to new members happens during this meeting

    • First-year

      • 2 weeks socials

      • 2 weeks treasurer

      • 2 weeks sectary

      • 3 weeks VP

      • 3 weeks p

      • Further on an assistant to VP

    • A roles and responsibility meeting TBD

Closed at 7:26 by Jess


Minutes of Exec Meeting 13/02


General Meeting Minutes 23/03